Many people think people with lupus are just lazy....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ulcers in my nose!!!! Sooooo painful!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Been awhile since i checked in! I've been really busy in my day 2 day life. Moving, Lil one starting 1st grade, lookin 4 a new job, etc etc! Jus plain ole busy! I've been doin ok physically. Nuthin really bad goin on. Yay! Jus the same ole pain in the butt stuff...mouth infections, uuuggghhh! Lips a lil swollen 2day, neck/shoulder/back pain. & TiRED!!! Jus trying 2 wait 4 my life 2 slow down ;) as my world spins 2 quickly.....

Monday, October 4, 2010

Had 2 move yesterday.......I am soooo sore & stiff. I really should have had movers! & the bad part is that I'm no where finished! SMH.......