Many people think people with lupus are just lazy....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Omgoodness!! I cant believe it! This week is an appt free week!! No Dr appts, No school, No adventurers mtg 2 prepare 4, & youth week of prayer (even though it was truly a blessing) is over!!!!! I just dont know what 2 do with myself with all this free time!......oh i know...catch up on my chores! :-(

Saturday, May 22, 2010

This was a very long week!! It never seems like there's enough hours in the day to get everything done & 4 me 2get sum rest. So one or the other usually gets left out! LOL. Well, so far so good with all of my Dr heart appears good 2 go per teh cardiologist!! Yay! Praise the Lord! The lung function test I had showed sort of a pre-asthma status. Basically I need 2 use inhalers, but I hate the jittery side effects. I still haven't had the follow up test with the neurologist ordered. But, rite now I can't help but be thankful for the health that I have. I have a lot of little things that bother me, but compared to what could be happening to me.......There is nothing else I can say except thank You Jesus for your grace & mercy! Well, Gn hopefully my body will catch up on sum much needed rest, bcuz my body is tired & stiff.......catch u next time as my world turns and does somersaults! LOL

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hey blog world itz been a minute since i blogged.....well i've been busy of course!!! I just Finished a class i was taking thank God itz over. I'm not taking another course until fall. I've also been busy with church stuff, running an adventurer club, but i have a great assistant whih makes it bareable :-) so my next task that will take up sum of my time will be looking 4 a new job. I need more flexible hrs or ability 2 telecommute or i need 2 work closer 2 home while making the same amt of money! Well i gotta go bcuz as usual...i'm @ another dr appt :-(

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My friend said on fb the other day that old saying.... So much 2 little time!!! That statement is sooo true! I have 3 papers 2 complete by Fri while working fulltime, fighting traffic 3-4 hrs everyday & of course being a mother!!! WOW Happy Mother's Day 2 me! On the positive side 4 the past 3 weeks i've been walking 2 miles 3 dayz out of the week! Whether or not itz helping me is 2 be determined! Lol. I know the benefits of exercise, in the past i've experienced the benefits, i just haven't started 2 reap any of those benefits yet! Well until next as my world turns.....

Friday, May 7, 2010

BTW.....Itz Lupus Awareness Month!!
So so tired. But i have a few more things i need 2 do b 4 i go 2 bed....